Purchasing / Suppliers
Purchasing & Contract Services Department
We are the centralized department that handles the purchasing of goods and services required in the operations of the District's various educational programs and administrative offices for the entire District, which include the following locations: San Diego City, Mesa and Miramar colleges, Continuing Education campuses, the District Service Center, and District Administrative Offices.
The Purchasing Department issues thousands of Purchase Orders each fiscal year, amounting to nearly $163 million in goods and services, serving the needs of over 100,000 students and 5,000 employees.
Contact us at 619-388-6562.
Mission and Values
Our Mission is providing quality procurement services, optimizing best practices in all transactions for our District's Academic and Administrative departments, in support of the educational and operational needs of the San Diego Community College District and the community it serves.
We are committed to quality customer service, providing organizational value, integrity, transparency and ethics, resulting in the highest level of service outcomes.
We embrace a best practice model for acceptable competitive costing strategies while maintaining regulatory compliance, resulting in the highest level of service and cost advantage to our District.
Doing Business With The District
Only suppliers capable of providing the District with goods and certain types of services should register. This website allows suppliers to create their Supplier Application online and revise their information on an as-needed basis.

Employee Discount Programs
The Purchasing Department periodically includes employee discount rates in bids we issue or receive information from suppliers who offer to extend educational or academic discounts to employees of the District. Note: these suppliers are under no contractual agreement with the District and are listed here for informational purposes only.
