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Online Class Schedule

Data refreshes in


Honors Class This denotes the class is honors level. These are regular courses with additional or substitute appropriate learning activities.
Zero Cost Textbooks This class uses no cost textbooks (free).
Class Deadlines Hover your mouse to review deadlines related to this class
Sustainable Class Class contains content surrounding sustainability
In-Person Exams This class is primarily held online with on-campus exams.
Work-Based Learning Courses with Work-Based Learning (WBL) provide you with activities and projects to explore career pathways and industries, develop professional skills, and connect with employers. WBL activities vary widely from workplace tours, classroom projects with industry involvement, and job shadows, to industry projects, employer speakers, internships, service learning, and more.
Class Units Class Nbr Capacity Open Status Type Room Times Days Dates Instructor Subject Start Time End Time Start Date End Date Class Notes Last Day to Add Last Day to Drop Last Day to Withdraw Pass/No-Pass Deadline Refund Deadline Requisites In-Person Exams Course Description Degree Applicable Transferability Work-Based Learning Books Book Cost Session Honors Course Name Catalog Book Term Class Name College Class Meeting Number Intersession DayEve Leaf Link District GE Requirements CSU GE Requirements IGETC GE Requirements WBLCODE




How to use the Class Search
Class Types:

To know more about Class Types, please check out our informative video.

Class Status Definitions:
  • Open – Class is open for students to enroll and is before the first day of class.
  • Permission # Required – Class is currently in session and requires a permission number to enroll
  • Waitlist – Class is full, but has waitlist spots open
  • Full – Class is full, and the waitlist has no open spots
  • Closed – Add/Drop period has passed

Contacting the Instructor: To contact the instructor, click on their name. You may need to set up your default email service/program in order to contact the professor.  If you do not have an email program, you can right click on the name and select "Copy Email Address" and paste it into your web email (GMail, Yahoo Mail, Outlook).

How to register for classes:

For best results, be sure to login to mySDCCD. Once you pick the class, click on the class number button and a new window will appear. If you haven't logged in already, go ahead and do so and then just reload the page.

Understanding the difference between 'Fully Online' & 'Online Live' classes:

In the schedule of classes, you will see two different formats of online classes: Fully Online and Online Live. Some classes will use a combination of both Fully Online and Online Live deliveries. See the table below for descriptions of each delivery method.

  Fully Online Online Live Partially Online HyFlex
How will my class be conducted? All class work is conducted online through Canvas without a requirement for real-time/live meetings.  You will meet with your instructor online during scheduled class times via Zoom and Canvas.  Some required class meetings will be conducted on-campus. The remainder of the class will be online.  Students can join the scheduled class session online or on campus based on student preference. The rest of the classwork is conducted online. (HyFlex is a blend of hybrid and flexible instruction)