Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

On this page:

Standards of Conduct

Policy 5500 - Student Rights, Responsibilities, Campus Safety and Administrative Due Process

Student Code of Conduct

Students are subject to adhering to the policies and procedures of the San Diego Community College District, as well as all federal, state, and local laws. Students are subject to charges of misconduct concerning, but not limited to, the following acts when committed on District-owned or controlled property or at District-sponsored activities.

The following sections of the Student Code of Conduct pertain to Drug & Alcohol use, sale and possession:

  • Participating in activities which are in violation of federal, state, or local laws or ordinances while on district premises or at district-sponsored or supervised activities.
  • Smoking on District premises, or in vehicles provided by the district used for transporting students; except as permitted by applicable ordinances, laws, college guidelines and District procedure 0505.2.
  • Use, possession, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages on campus except as permitted by law.
  • Use, possession, distribution, manufacture or sale of narcotics or other hallucinogenic drugs or substances or inhaling or breathing the fumes of, or ingesting, any poison classified as such by the California Business and Professions Code Section 4160, Schedule "D," except as provided by law, is prohibited when on district premises.

The college will impose disciplinary sanctions on students who violate the Student Code of Conduct. See Administrative Procedure 5520.

Read the full version of Board Policy 5500 – Students Rights, Responsibilities, Campus Safety and Administrative Due Process.


Legal Sanctions

The San Diego Community College Police Department enforces all federal and state laws and local ordinances.

A. Federal

Federal law provides criminal and civil penalties for unlawful possession or distribution of a controlled substance. Under the Controlled Substance Act, as well as other related federal laws, the penalties for controlled substance violations include but are not limited to: incarceration, fines, potential for the forfeiture of property used in possession or to facilitate possession of a controlled substance (which may include homes, vehicles, boats, aircrafts and any other personal or real property), ineligibility to possess a firearm, and potential ineligibility to receive federal educational benefits (such as student loans and grants). 21 U.S.C. Section 812 U.S Code

Click here for a detailed list of Federal Trafficking penalties

B. State

The State of California has numerous laws regulating the possession and use of controlled substances and alcohol. As an example, under current California state law, “a person shall not knowingly or intentionally possess or distribute a controlled substance.” If an individual is found guilty of a violation of the state law, they may be subject to large fines and imprisonment. California Health and Safety Code Section 11350-11356.5

A minor (defined as a person under the age of 21) may not “purchase or attempt to purchase alcoholic liquor, consume or attempt to consume alcoholic liquor, possess or attempt to possess alcoholic liquor, or have any bodily alcohol content.” Violations of the law may subject the individual to fines, participation in a substance abuse program, imprisonment, community service hours, and/or out of pocket expenses related to required substance abuse screenings. Business and Professions Code 25662 BP / Vehicle Code 13202.5 VC. The State of California laws can be found on the California Legislature website.

C. Local

The city of San Diego ordinances include but are not limited to: consumption in public places, possession and use of alcohol by minors, uncapped liquor in passenger compartments of vehicles, and all substance abuse ordinances. Sanctions could range from a civil infraction with attached fines to probation, rehabilitation, or even imprisonment. Read the full version of the city ordinances. Business and Professions Code 25662 BP / Vehicle Code 13202.5 VC, or directly on the Drug Enforcement Agency website.


Health Risks

Alcohol and drugs are toxic to the human body. Substance abuse may result in a wide array of serious health and behavioral problems and has both long and short-term effects on the body and the mind. In addition to the problem of toxicity, contaminant poisonings often occur with illegal drug use. HIV infection with intravenous drug use is a prevalent hazard.

Acute health problems may include heart attack, stroke, and sudden death, which can occur for first time cocaine users. Long lasting effects caused by drug and alcohol abuse can cause problems such as disruption of normal heart rhythm, high blood pressure, leaks of blood vessels in the brain, bleeding and destruction of brain cells, possible memory loss, infertility, impotency, immune system impairment, kidney failure, cirrhosis of the liver and pulmonary damage. Drug and alcohol use during pregnancy may result in fetal damage and birth defects causing hyperactivity, neurological abnormalities, and developmental difficulties.

Click here for a detailed list of possible long-term effects resulting from Drug Abuse.

Alcohol Abuse

  • Known health risks include increased risk of injuries, violence, fetal damage (in pregnant women), depression, neurologic deficits, hypertension, liver and heart disease, addiction and fatal overdose.
  • Alcohol affects every organ in the drinker's body and can damage a developing fetus. Intoxication can impair brain function and motor skills; heavy use can increase risk of certain cancers, stroke, and liver disease. Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a diagnosable disease characterized by a strong craving for alcohol, and/or continued use despite harm or personal injury. Alcohol abuse, which can lead to alcoholism, is a pattern of drinking that result in harm to one's health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work.


Drug and Alcohol Prevention Programs & Resources

Campus Based:

  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Expert small group therapy with emphasis on addiction
  • Student Health Services Referrals
  • AOD Veterans Counseling
  • Crisis Counseling
  • Mental Health Counseling
    • One-on-one
    • Recovery Support Groups
  • Death Experience revolving around Drug & Alcohol Abuse (Annual Event)
  • Comfort Tent and Be Calm Activities (presented as alternatives/prevention opportunities)
  • Drug & Alcohol Abuse curriculum offered at San Diego City College
  • Health Fairs
  • Turn Over a New Leaf Campaign
  • Referrals to Community Based Substance Abuse and Treatment Services
  • Online Training Program for Drug & Alcohol Abuse Students are encouraged to complete the research-based online training called eCheckup To Go that helps students identify use and risk patterns and provide helpful resources at San Diego City, Mesa and Miramar Colleges and Continuing Education.

Click here for a list of Campus Based Resources by College.

Community Based:

  • Adult Treatment Services - Detox
  • Community Crisis Lines & Resources
  • Urgent Walk-in Services
  • Outpatient and Community Based Substance Abuse Services

Click here for a list of Crisis Line and Community Based Resources.


Consequences for Violations

Administrative Procedure 5520 - Student Disciplinary Procedures

Possible Disciplinary Sanctions:

  • Reprimand - A written notice by the Disciplinary Officer of violation of the Student Code of Conduct. A reprimand may include the possibility of more severe disciplinary sanctions in the event of future infractions of the Student Code of Conduct;
  • Community service or other educational sanctions;
  • Disciplinary Probation - Formal written notice by the Disciplinary Officer of violation of the Student Code of Conduct which may include exclusion from participation in specified privileges for a period of time not exceeding one (1) calendar year, including conditions that must be met while on probation. Further violation of the Student Code of Conduct will result in more severe sanctions;
  • Restitution - Formal action by the Disciplinary Officer to require reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. This may take the form of appropriate service or other compensation;
  • Removal from Class - Exclusion of a student by an instructor from a class for the day of an offense and/or the next class meeting. An instructor removing a student from class shall make a written report using the Faculty Removal of Disruptive Student from Class form. After-the-fact review by the President/designee shall be effective if the student alleges in writing that an instructor has abused his/her administrative discretion. In accordance with AP 5070, College Class Attendance, absences pursuant to this definition shall be counted as excused and make-up assignments shall be at the discretion of the instructor;
  • Suspension - Action by the President to exclude from all colleges, campuses, sites, programs and activities in the district for a definite period of time. This action shall be posted on the permanent record, but shall not be reflected on the academic transcript. This does not prohibit, where an immediate suspension is required in order to protect lives or property and to insure the maintenance of order, interim suspension pending a hearing, provided that a reasonable opportunity be afforded the suspended person for a hearing within ten (10) days;
  • Expulsion - Action by the Board of Trustees to terminate student status in the district indefinitely. The Board may expel a student for good cause when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct or when the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others.